Witch hunters* are roaming the streets of Vienna and trying to systematically poison every fibre of society, including political spaces, your private space, your workplace and yes, your body too!
How about reversing the hunt?
Let us ask ourselves: What is the connection between misogyny and the forced social construction of masculinity? Are structural discrimination and violence a profit making machine!? And is inequality the core of capitalism?!
We are living within complex social dynamics which sustain themselves, thanks to simultaneous processes of exploitation through class, gender, race and sexuality. Social privileges and opportunities for advancement are defined and determined by these categories.
The “holy trinity“ of establishing modern capitalism was: transatlantic slave trade, colonization and witch hunt. Governmental control over reproduction, superseding women* from the guilds and out of the public space and the proposition that any housework is not really work at all were a vital part of this prosecution.
So who is doing unpaid reproductive work today? What is the difference between productive and reproductive work? And what is the role of modern migrants in profit accumulation?
Nowadays, because of feminism, woman* is a political subject and can participate in politics and decision making. But who is talking for whom?
Paint us the face of todays witch hunt!
Tell us your strategies against slut-shaming or stereotyping your bodies and desires!
You are with us if you think it is time for some serious witchcraft around here!
Show us how it is done and let us cast a spell on fascism, oppression, racism, discrimination, antisemitism, racism against roma and sinti, homo- and transphobia, sexism and all their representatives in this country and beyond!
It is an open call to show us your black girl magic, your witch powers and to unleash your inner bitch in all its glory! It is a call for everybody who wants to celebrate their softness, vulnerability, and empathy.
Pour your magical skills in a project and together we will claim the streets, the squares and buildings, bars and digital hangouts of this city!
Let us draw from the strength of all the women* before us, who have been called bitches and witches!
Share your story with us!
Let us learn from the resourcefulness of our female ancestors across continents and let us learn from each other.
Let our differences make us stronger instead of dividing us.
The sister*hood is powerful, intersectional and inclusive!
Let us show Vienna what a real bitch looks like, and what witches are made of!
So what are we going to do tonight?
Right, we are taking over!
Credits: www.wienwoche/bitchesandwitches.org